Report on the results of monitoring the registration of nomination groups

Observation is carried out by the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights Center "Viasna" in the framework of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections". The observation campaign involves 29 long-term observers.


- one of the ways to nominate candidates for local councils is the nomination by collecting signatures and the registration of nomination groups is the first step before the start of signature-collecting;

- according to the CEC, 17,542 nomination groups were registered, which is 99.9% of the total number of nominations. In the previous elections to the local councils of 2014, the registration percentage was 99.7%;

- the election commissions did not create significant obstacles to the registration of nomination groups, with almost all groups having been registered. It should be noted that the election authorities registered all the groups formed to nominate members of political parties.