
  • Four new political prisoners in Belarus

    We assess the persecution of Aliaksei Artsetski, Dzmitry Bunevich, Dzianis Ivanets, and Raman Sidziuk as politically motivated, as it is related solely to their exercise of freedom of peaceful assembly and expression and recognize them as political prisoners. //
  • Immediately release political prisoners Yuliya Bodak and Ihar Bantsar!

    We recall once again that freedom of expression is only subject to restrictions in strictly defined cases, while these restrictions must be proportionate. //
  • Six more names added to list of political prisoners

    We assess the persecution of Kira Bayarenka, Volha Hlushan, Valery Melnichuk, Ivan Datsyshyn, Dzianis Khazei and Siarhei Hatskevich as politically motivated, as it is related solely to their exercise of freedom of peaceful assembly and expression and recognize them as political prisoners. //
  • Aliaksandr Kulaha and Uladzimir Chyzheuski are political prisoners

    We consider the persecution and imprisonment Aliaksandr Kulaha and Uladzimir Chyzheuski to be politically motivated, as they are linked to their peaceful exercise of freedom of expression. The convicts are therefore political prisoners, according to para. 3.1 (a) of the Guidelines for the Definition of Political Prisoners. //
  • Statement of civil society organizations in Belarus regarding harassment of Viasna Human Rights Centre and its activists

    General Directorate for Investigation of Offences related to Organized Crime and Corruption of the Central Bureau of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus has initiated criminal proceedings against the Human Rights Center “Viasna” based on its activities. This criminal case was brought under Art. 342 of the Criminal Code (Organization and active participation in group actions that grossly violate public order). In this case, active investigative actions are currently being carried out, including searches in the regional offices and apartments of the organization members, summons for interrogations and other procedural actions. Dmitry Solovyov, a Council member of the Human Rights Center "Viasna", is a suspect in this case and is under a travel ban. The list of persecuted human rights defenders is apparently open. //
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