
  • Information on the accessibility of COVID-19 vaccine in Belarus was sent to the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

    The report includes not only general information on equal and free-of-charge access to vaccination in Belarus but also data on forced vaccination in certain state institutions. It was highlighted in the report that free and equal access had been applicable only to certain vaccines, such as the Russian vaccine Sputnik V or Chinese Vero Cell. The report also informed about the state policy towards vaccination against COVID-19, such as the refusal to join the international initiative COVAX. //
  • Submission to the UN Special Procedures in connection with human rights violations against the defendants in the Autukhovich case

    We reported that the accused were being held in inhumane conditions, psychological and physical torture was applied to them, in particular, they were deprived of the opportunity to correspond and were not provided with the necessary medical care. //
  • Submission to the UN Special Procedures in connection with the ongoing practice of recording and publishing penitential videos with the participation of teenagers

    The Belarusian Helsinki Committee has sent information to the UN Special Rapporteurs about another penitential video with the participation of a teenager, published on a channel close to the security forces. In the video, the teenager admitted that he took part in the 2020 protests, and also left negative comments about the war in Ukraine towards residents of the Russian Federation. In this way, according to the security forces, he "incited hatred on the Internet." //
  • The Belarusian Helsinki Committee has received consultative status with the UN ECOSOC

    This means that now BHC, and through us other Belarusian civil society organizations that protect human rights, have an easier way of communicating with the UN. //
  • Alternative reports on the implementation by the Republic of Belarus of SDG 16 and the 2030 Agenda as a whole

    We decided to prepare an alternative report that would reflect the real picture in the country for all the targets of SDG 16. //
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