
  • BHC and Viasna highlight violations in Viktar Babaryka case ahead of upcoming trial

    Viasna and BHC note that creating obstacles for Viktar Babaryka’s communicate with his lawyers for more than a month is a violation of his right to defense, which, together with the arrest of his lawyer Maksim Znak and the disbarment of his other lawyer Aliaksandr Pylchanka, are viewed by the country’s human rights community as an affront on the prisoner’s right to defense and a fair trial, as the authorities went to extreme lengths to thwart a full-fledged defense strategy. //
  • Freedom for human rights activists Leanid Sudalenka and Maryia Tarasenka!

    Human rights activities are a legitimate public activity, and harassment for such activities is an absolutely unacceptable and gross violation of human rights by the authorities. Based on this, we consider the persecution of Leanid Sudalenka and Maryia Tarasenka to be politically motivated, as it is only aimed at stopping their public and non-violent activities seeking the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Leanid Sudalenka and Maryia Tarasenka are therefore political prisoners. //
  • Immediately release political prisoners Andrei Aliaksandrau and Iryna Zlobina!

    Collecting voluntary donations from individuals and foreign nationals, as well as arranging the payment of fines imposed on persons brought to administrative responsibility only for participating in peaceful assemblies and exercising the freedoms of peaceful assembly and expression guaranteed by the Constitution of Belarus and international human rights law has nothing to do with financing any illegal activity and, accordingly, is not a crime. In this context, the activities of Andrei Aliaksandrau and Iryna Zlobina constitute voluntary and charitable work to help victims of mass political repression and are essentially human rights activities. //
  • HRDs call for retrials in cases of political prisoners Dzmitry Karatkevich, Andrei Tsimafeyenka and Siarhei Yafimau

    Our position on these cases is that Experts of the Human Rights Center “Viasna”, however, believe that peaceful assemblies should be under state protection, while the police should not take action to forcibly stop them, even if they violate applicable rules. Violent cessation of assemblies and the use of physical force against protesters should be carried out only as a last resort, in cases where the behavior of the participants is violent, which poses a real threat to national and public security, life and health of citizens. //

    Human rights defenders see the actions of the authorities and law enforcement agencies as gross violations of human rights. More specifically, the conversation of one of the leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who relies upon complete freedom of action authorized by the de facto Head of State, shows the authorities' complete disregard for basic personal human rights, such as the right to life, to freedom from torture, to freedom from servitude and forced labor, to liberty and security of person. //
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