
Priority recommendations on reforming electoral legislation
The civil campaign Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections has presented a policy paper on its recommendations aimed at reforming the electoral legislation of Belarus. According to the campaign’s experts, these recommendations are crucial for the conduct of free, fair and democratic elections // 18.01.2017
Aleh Hulak was awarded Franco-German Prize for Human Rights and Rule of Law
In Statement by Foreign Ministers of Germany and France Steinmeier and Ayrault on the awarding of the Franco-German Prize for Human Rights and the Rule of Law they stated that the award was established to pay tribute to the inspiring engagement of these brave women and men throughout the world, who struggle for human rights. // 14.12.2016
The Country Guide for Human Rights and Business in Belarus released
Праца з правамі чалавека дабратворна для рэпутацыі бізнесу, паляпшае ўмовы працы і прадукцыйнасць супрацоўнікаў і павышае шанцы бізнэсу стаць партнёрамі вялікіх міжнародных карпарацый і прыцягнуць інвестыцыі з боку заходніх інвестараў. // 24.11.2016
Joint Position of Belarusian Human Rights Organizations on Adoption of Interagency Plan of Implementation of Recommendations for Belarus from UN mechanisms
Representatives of the human rights organizations in Belarus support the approval of the Interagency Plan of implementation of the UPR recommendations. // 21.11.2016