

    The BHC drew the attention of the Special Rapporteur to the lack of a legal basis for such database and its use for purposes that do not comply with the principles of legality, necessity and proportionality. The BHC expressed concern that given the fact that the collected data includes places of work, study and even hobbies, the government may use it for point intimidation in order to prevent people from expressing their opinions through peaceful protests. //
  • Seven more protesters called political prisoners

    We assess the persecution of Artsiom Mitsuk, Aliaksandr Drazdou, Ryhor Hunko, David Zbaranski, Mark Antonau, Ihar Rudchyk and Uladzislau Zianevich as politically motivated, related solely to their exercise of freedom of peaceful assembly and expression and recognize them as political prisoners. //
  • Statement on sentencing of political prisoners Aliaksei Ramanau and Mikalai Charniauski

    Representatives of the Belarusian human rights community call to decriminalize defamation, put an end to judicial harassment and release all political prisoners convicted of slandering or insulting officials or the president, as well as insulting state symbols //
  • Artsiom Sarokin is new political prisoner

    According to international human rights standards, whistleblowers and journalists who report confidential information, the disclosure of which can lead to the effective detection and investigation of crimes, act in the public interest and should be protected from liability. //
  • Immediately release political prisoners Tsikhan Kliukach and Safiya Malashevich

    As for the slogans and drawings spray-painted on riot-control vehicles, which blocked the avenue, these actions can not be considered hooliganism, as these inscriptions addressing law enforcement officers were an act of expression of opinion. Restrictions on freedom of expression may be subject to certain restrictions, but they must, inter alia, comply with the principles of proportionality. In addition, spray-painting slogans on the iron shields clearly could not lead to their malfunctioning, and the damage caused by such actions was symbolic. //
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