
  • Kalesnikava, Znak and Salei are new political prisoners

    We are convinced that the criminal prosecution of Maryia Kalesnikava, Maksim Znak and Illia Salei is politically motivated, as it is only aimed at affecting or stopping their legal activities. //
  • UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers was informed on the situation with lawyers Maxim Znak and Ilya Salei

    Belarusian Helsinki Committee considers that these actions have interfered with the professional activities of lawyers and undermined their independence for political reasons. //
  • Statement on the situation with Maria Kalesnikava in the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances

    The Working Group requests the States to investigate cases and notify the Working Group of the results. We hope that the submitted statement will allow us to quickly get to know what happened to Maria Kalesnikava and stop the practice of enforced disappearances of opponents of the current government. //
  • The Investigative Committee’s response to the appeal on mass torture in Belarus

    The response is as follows: Since your communication contains no information about specific crimes and other circumstances, there are no grounds for the Investigative Committee for conducting an audit specifically on this appeal and making decisions as prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Belarus. //
  • Request to the Supreme Court and Prosecutor General's Office on cancellation / appeal against judgements regarding persons detained on 9-12 August

    These appeals were submitted in connection to the violations in the administration of justice. //
  • Pages