Belarusian Helsinki Committee Chairman Aleh Hulak is included into Republican civic monitoring commission (text in Russian) at the Ministry of Justice of Belarus.
As MOJ site reports (in Russian) during previos years «in measures of realization of their's rights established by the law commissions were not only controlling convicted rights' abidence by institutional bodies and authorities which execute punishment and other measures of criminal sanctions. They as well have taken part in realization of different social projects adressed to resocialization and adaptation of convicted and in projects adressed to the education of convicted».
Let us recall that in 2016 Chairman Aleh Hulak was awarded Franco-German Prize for Human Rights and Rule of Law. Laureates of the Prize were also Tahmina Rahman (Bangladesh), Maria da Penha (Brazil), Thun Saray (Cambodia), Maximilienne Ngo Mbe (Cameroon), Beverly K. Jacobs (Canada), Jacqueline Moudeïna (Chad), Wang Qiaoling (China), Montserrat Solano Carboni (Costa Rica), Sunitha Krishnan (India), Mary Lawlor (Ireland), Pietro Bartolo (Italy), Eva Abu Halaweh (Jordan), Sarah Belal (Pakistan) and Valentina Cherevatenko (Russia). Special prize was awarded to Syrian organization "White Helmets".
In their jount statement on account of prize presentation Foreign Ministers of Germany and France Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Jean-Marc Ayrault have noted that the prize is established to praise the courage of men and women all over the world which struggle for human rights.