
  • UN Special Rapporteurs informed on situation with Leanid Markhotka

    We consider administrative persecution of Leanid Markhotka to be a punishment for carrying out peaceful human rights advocacy. //
  • Human rights activists present report on human rights situation after August 9 election

    The experts focused on the rights to life, personal freedom and humane treatment, as well as freedom from torture. The report also touches on violations of the rights of journalists and children. //
  • Belarusian human rights activists submit report to OSCE Moscow Mechanism

    The human rights defenders focused on the following topics: violation of the right to life, torture, violence, ill-treatment, arbitrary detention, pressure on journalists, situation with lawyers, and violations of children's rights. //
  • Application to Constitutional Court on Position Regarding Coordination Council

    We expect the Constitutional Court as a check-and-balance mechanism establishing fundamental approaches to the observance of the requirements of the Constitution on ensuring democracy, the rule of law and the right to judicial protection, to provide a more detailed legal explanation and use competent and professional approach in substantiating the document and its specific points. //
  • Kalesnikava, Znak and Salei are new political prisoners

    We are convinced that the criminal prosecution of Maryia Kalesnikava, Maksim Znak and Illia Salei is politically motivated, as it is only aimed at affecting or stopping their legal activities. //
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