
  • BHC Assembly of representatives. Summary

    On 25 June the BHC Assembly of representatives took place where the outcomes of the Committee’s work for the past two years were discussed. The Assembly considered BHC record in the reported year to be satisfactory. In addition, the Committee’s management bodies were elected. //

    This document proposes to consider the balance of business and human interests in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The document provides an analysis of the main factors influencing the search for such a balance, as well as an overview of the main behavioral strategies and some specific measures that are important for business as an employer and as a producer of goods and services, as well as for the state as a regulator to protect a person as an individual with rights, and as the basis of modern economic growth. The document was compiled taking into account the recommendations of the ILO, WHO, OHCHR, the International Chamber of Commerce, Belarusian and foreign practice. //
  • Belarusian human rights defenders call to immediately release Viktar Babaryka and members of his nomination group

    Participation in governing the country through periodic, free and democratic elections is one of the freedoms guaranteed to the citizens of Belarus, both by the Constitution and by international human rights standards, in particular by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. //
  • Stop pressure and intimidation of people involved in presidential election!

    These events are not consistent with fair and democratic elections. It will be recalled that in accordance with the OSCE Copenhagen Document, the Republic of Belarus, as a member state of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, declared that the “will of the people, freely and fairly expressed through periodic and genuine elections, is the basis of the authority and legitimacy of all government.” It also undertook to “respect the right of their citizens to take part in the governing of their country, either directly or through representatives freely chosen by them through fair electoral processes.” //
  • HRDs insist on immediate release of all activists charged under Article 342 of the Criminal Code

    According to paragraph 3.1 of the Guidelines on the Definition of a Political Prisoner, which were approved by the Belarusian human rights community at the 3rd Human Rights Forum, imprisonment of a person in connection with their non-violent exercise of freedoms guaranteed by international human rights law is grounds for recognizing such a person as a political person. Such a person should, therefore, be immediately released. //
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