
Ensure exercise of freedom of peaceful assembly!
The human rights community has repeatedly highlighted the fact that the duty of payment for peaceful assemblies associated with the exercise of freedom of peaceful assembly and of expression, is an unacceptable practice that drastically limits the possibility of free exercise of these freedoms in practice. // 06.05.2019
Homeless people and the right to housing in Belarus
The report is based on a study of Belarusian legislation and shows a lack of reliable statistics measuring the scale of the problem of homelessness in Belarus. // 26.04.2019
Immediately stop prosecution of blogger Siarhei Piatrukhin
Representatives of human rights organizations in Belarus call to immediately stop the criminal prosecution of Siarhei Piatrukhin and drop all the charges against him; to not use the Criminal Code in cases involving defamation. // 03.04.2019
With the assistance of the BHC representative, an initiative group from Bogushevsk prepared collective appeals. One of them - to the Presidential Administration and the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee with the demands to keep the hospital and the polyclinic - is available on the website “Convenient City.” More than 1000 residents of the urban village and neighboring villages signed the appeals. // 05.03.2019