
  • Aleh Hulak has taken part in the regular expanded meeting of the parliamentary Working Group on exploring the issue of death penalty

    Every crime should be punished But not at the expense of our inner purity, our self //
  • Human rights activists launch campaign of monitoring local elections

    The entire election process is assessed solely on the basis of the principles of free, democratic and transparent elections, which can enable the people of Belarus to fully exercise their constitutional right to participate in the government of the country. //
  • Fact sheet by the “Human Rights Defenders For Free Elections” campaign

    A short summary of the election process situation //
  • Human rights activists call for open trial of columnists charged with inciting ethnic hatred

    We call on the Belarusian authorities to guarantee a public hearing of the charges in accordance with the principles of a fair trial, as well as international standards for the protection of freedom of speech and expression //
  • Resolution of the 4th Belarusian Human Rights Forum

    Inter alia, human rights defenders community represenatatives were proposed to follow the Principles of Human Rights Work in Belarus and to promote human rights based approach in the activities of the civil society organizations, state institutions and commercial organizations. //
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