In 2020, the National Human Rights Index was 3.1* out of 10. However, as frightening as 2020 compared to 2019 may seem, the estimate index score fell just 1.0 point. It means only one thing: all systemic human rights problems have been created earlier, but society was not ready to look out for them.
The index shows how human rights standards, that determine the minimum level of attitude of the State towards the individual and respect for his or her dignity, have been achieved. It helps to get quick assess to the problems not only of the present period, but also shows the direction of the reforms that our country needs.
The current human rights crisis in the country confirms the need for reforms in the human interests, rights and dignity.
The index includes assessing of 18 rights (11 civil and political rights and 7 socio-economic and cultural rights) and four general human rights measures.
For each component of the right, a number of criteria is defined - ideal states (events and actions) - the achievement of which would mean the full realization of the right at the level of legislation and practice. A number of ideal states is defined in accordance with the main provisions of international human rights conventions, as well as with the general recommendations (general comments) of the United Nations human rights treaty bodies and other international instruments of "soft law".
Civil and political rights were assessed according to 162 criteria. Socio-economic and cultural rights – to 139. The general human rights measures section contains 21 criteria for an ideal situation.
In short, the criteria describe how everything should work in terms of international human rights standards. Experts assess the current situation and how it related to the ideal situation. More on the methodology. Almost each assessment is accompanied by an expert commentary explaining the rating.
Anyone can see how the situation has changed with the regard to any of the rights. For example, the situation regarding freedom of expression has changed as follows: 3.3 in 2019 and 1.6 in 2020.
At least 50 experts participated in the compilation of the index. Unfortunately, for security reasons, we are unable to disclose the names of the experts. This information will be available as soon as the human rights situation improves and we will be sure that these specialists will not be subjected to reprisals. All of these specialists are recognized experts representing human rights organizations, professional associations, research and think tanks, and other non-governmental organizations. In order to avoid conflicts of interest, experts from public authorities and organizations were not included in the commission.
*To date, no assessment has been made of the right to benefit from scientific progress and its application and right to an adequate standard of living.
** For detailed analysis of the index we recommend to use the desktop version, mobile version contains a reduced visualization.