
  • Belarus: Stop the execution of Rico Krieger

    On 24 June, German national Rico Krieger was sentenced to death by firing squad by the Minsk Regional Court in a secretive trial. As reported by Human Rights Center Viasna, Krieger, a former employee of the German Red Cross, was inter alia charged with “mercenary activities”, “terrorism”, the “creation of an extremist foundation”, and the “intentional disrepair of a vehicle or communication lines". //
  • Belarus Human Rights Index: 5 years scores

    In 2023, Belarus Human Rights Index estimate is 2.4 out of 10. //
  • Belarusian Helsinki Committee and Human Rights Advocacy During the 55th Session of the Human Rights Council

    The focus of international advocacy efforts lies in the release of political prisoners and the cessation of the incommunicado regime, as well as the establishment of an independent accountability mechanism to facilitate investigation by the OHCHR into the situation in Belarus and the renewal of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on Belarus. //
  • Preliminary analytical report on the results of monitoring the elections of deputies on a single voting day on February 25, 2024

    All stages of the electoral process were not just administratively controlled by the authorities, but were organized by them to retain power and simulate popular support and consensus in society. This is evidenced by: the lack of transparency in the formation of election commissions; the vertical of power controlling the lists of persons nominated and registered as candidates; campaigning which imitated political activity, while events and their media coverage were focused on general calls to come to vote; persistent forcing of voters to participate in early voting; a climate of intimidation with bans on taking photos and taking away ballots, rhetoric about "extremist plans" and police officers at all polling stations; an opaque procedure for counting votes; the complete absence of independent observers. //
  • Statement of the Belarusian human rights community on the death of political prisoner Ihar Lednik

    It is quite obvious that the fifth death of a political prisoner in places of detention in such a short time due to failure to provide proper medical care is a consequence of a systemic state policy of inhumane treatment of people based on political motives. //
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