
  • The Supreme Court will held a preliminary hearing on the claim to liquidation of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee

    The decision of the Supreme Court on the liquidation of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee could violate the right to protection of persons involved in criminal proceedings. //

    We find the court's decision to be clearly unjust. It is aimed at creating the conditions necessary to carry out the liquidation of an organization that has been protecting human rights in Belarus for over 25 years. In our opinion, if the Supreme Court has accepted the position of the Ministry of Justice in such an unambiguous situation, it becomes quite obvious that the court was guided not by legal approaches, but by political expediency. //
  • Interdepartmental Commission on inquiry of mass torture on 9-12 August: how things go?

    Since then, almost a year has passed. Today we appealed to the House of Representatives and the General Prosecutor's Office. The BHC wants to know about the the results of the Commission’s work. //
  • Detention conditions in Akrestsin Centre and TDC. Part 4. Brest Detention Center accepts parcels in normal mode

    The review of the appeal found that the measures introduced by the facility have been temporary and the Brest Temporary Detention Center currently accepts parcels in a normal mode. What a nice coincidence! //
  • Detention Conditions in Akrestsin Centre and TDC. Part 3. General Prosecutor

    The Belarusian Helsinki Committee appealed to the General Prosecutor's Office. In their appeal, human rights defenders claim that “the Minsk City Prosecutor's Office is evading the main obligations that the state entrusted it to perform, namely ensuring the rule of law, legality and order, protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, as well as public and state interests.” //
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