
  • Stop deportation of United Civil Party press secretary!

    We believe that the administrative prosecution of Ms. Krasulina for participating in a peaceful assembly is a disproportionate measure infringing her rights, as this expression of opinion is in no way subject to permissible restrictions on freedom of peaceful assembly set out in art. 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. //
  • 124th session of the UN Human Rights Committee: Human rights defenders presented their position in the UN

    In their report, the HRDs outlined key ears of concern in terms of Belarus’s obligations under the Covenant, in particular failure to properly investigate cases of forced disappearances, continued application of the death penalty, police-related torture reports, forced labor, lack of independence of defense lawyers, repressive legislation governing the activities of the media, NGOs and organization of peaceful assemblies. //
  • Human rights defenders call to drop criminal charges against BelaPAN director

    One of the levers of pressure on the independent media is economic discrimination against them. It is manifested, in particular, by an effective prohibition of foreign investments in the media, on the one hand, and by the annual government funding of public media in the amount of EUR 50 mln., on the other //
  • Human rights activists urge President to pardon political prisoner Mikhail Zhamchuzhny

    The open letter stresses that Mikhail Zhamchuzhny is exposed to “additional suffering, besides that caused by the very fact of his imprisonment” and urges the head of State to release the prisoner “on the basis of principles of humanism and justice.” //
  • Repeal of Article 193.1 is half measure, say HRDs

    We urge the Parliament to take the following steps when considering the draft bill: remove Article 193.1 from the Criminal Code; vote against the introduction of administrative responsibility through a supplement to the Administrative Code; start a public discussion with all stakeholders of further changes in legislation regulating the establishment and activities of civil society organizations. //
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