The Legal Transformation Center and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee have reviewed the draft laws that may affect the human rights situation in Belarus.
The review included the following laws and regulations:
The Administrative Offences Code of the Republic of Belarus;
The draft Law “On Amendments to the Codes Regulating the Issues of Criminal Liability”;
The draft Law “Law on Prohibiting the Rehabilitation of Nazism”;
The draft Law “On Amendments to the Laws on Countering Extremism”;
The draft Law “On Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Belarus ‘On Mass Events in the Republic of Belarus’”;
The draft Law “On Amendments to the Laws on the Labour Relations”;
The draft Law “On Amendments to the Laws on Mass Media”;
The draft Law “On Amendments to the Laws on of Ensuring the National Security of the Republic of Belarus”;
The draft Law “On Amendments to the Laws Regulating the Advocate’s Activity”.