
  • The Belarusian Helsinki Committee spoke at the 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council on behalf of the coalition of Belarusian human rights defenders

    We endorse the view shared by more than 30 Belarusian and international human rights organizations that the Council should establish an independent mechanism to investigate the most severe human rights violations in Belarus, including crimes against humanity. //
  • The UN Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons has received information on violence and abuse against elderly political prisoners

    In the report we revealed that at least 40 elderly people are now imprisoned for political reasons, 5 of whom are over the age of 70. Furthermore, in the information provided, we covered other forms of pressure in violation of the right to freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, as well as the rights to the humane treatment in detention, and to a fair trial, considering that 7 of the 40 elderly political prisoners are on the "terrorist" lists and are not allowed to receive remittances. //

    We view the KGB decision as yet another step in the large-scale policy of arbitrary use of anti-extremist legislation by the Belarusian authorities in order to persecute civil society organizations and suppress civil activism. //
  • Statement of Belarusian human rights organizations on supporting and solidifying with Viasna Human Rights Centre

    We view the verdict solely as political repression and retaliation for the peaceful efforts of the leadership and members of the Viasna HRC to defend human rights and freedoms in Belarus. //
  • The report on accountability for violations of the rights to freedom of association and peaceful assembly has been sent to the UN Special Procedures

    In the report, we explained that the rights to freedom of association and peaceful assembly are protected by criminal law. Nevertheless, these rights are being violated on a massive scale and the authorities have not brought the perpetrators to justice. We shared information about 777 organizations facing forced liquidation; at least 60 representatives of civil society organizations in places of detention, where they are constantly exposed to pressure; the disproportionate use of force at peaceful protests in 2020 led to numerous deaths of the participants, mass detentions, and torture. //
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